The Yahoo News article accessible below is but one of many reports on the faux outrage Republican leaders are expressing over a lawful and proper criminal investigation of the leader of their cult.
Aren’t these the same useless clowns who pledge to put Dr. Fauci in jail for doing his job, and who screamed “Lock her up!” when Hillary Clinton committed a far less serious security violation? To paraphrase the Bard, “Me thinks the political hack doth protest too much.”

The reality is that for four years, Donald Trump’s Justice Department stood complicit in all of his criminal actions. Trump became convinced he was above the law. Now we haver a new Justice Department, but we still have Chris Wray, the same Republican FBI Director appointed by Trump; he’s the one who sought and executed the search warrant. Republicans, put that in your pipe and smoke it: the primary mover in this investigation and search warrant is a Republican personally selected by Trump and approved by the then Republican Senate!

There’s nothing  political about this. Trump broke the law, refused opportunities to correct the situation by returning classified documents he illegally possessed, and he refused to return all of them. No one can be above the law.

Now the Republicans are talking about cutting off funding to the DOJ and even abolishing the FBI! Now we see which party really wants to defund the police!All to protect one criminal from the consequences of his actions!
Courtesy of Newsweek

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