My latest published short story can be found at:

The story is titled “Teddy and His Mother”.

To access it, click on the above link to the Jewish Literary Journal, click on  “Archives” menu at he top of the page, then on “Fiction” and you will see the link to the August 2017 issue with the name of my story.

It is not typical of my writing. I have written humor, mystery, suspense, science fiction, political satire and coming-of-age, but this is a serious and somber tale, despite an injection of humor. It draws upon my youth in a Jewish neighborhood in New York where the Holocaust was no more distant than 9/11 is today.  I’d like to thank my fellow writers at Keybangers Bangkok and the editors at The Jewish Literary Journal for their  invaluable professional advice. Writing may be a solitary pursuit, but that doesn’t mean we can’t benefit from friends and colleagues.

One of the secrets of publication is to submit work where it fits with the genre the magazine or publisher seeks. The Jewish Literary journal is a high-quality on-line periodical which is now in its fifth year.I thought that the story would be a good fit for the Journal and fortunately they agreed.

The story can also be accessed at the Free Stories section of this blog.

I welcome any feedback or comments on this blog or on the Jewish Literary Journal site.

I hope you will continue to read my work and support the publications that support me!

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