Say what you want about the crackpot Canadian psychologist and philosopher-king to the West’s homophobes, white and Christian nationalists, science deniers, and just plain kooks, but he’s a survivor. He’s come back to haunt us after battles with addiction, depression, police investigations, allegations of hate mongering and absolute rejection by the world’s genuine philosophers and scientists. He’s just been thrown off of Twitter, joining a select group of neo-Nazis and Donald Trump. (Sorry, I repeat myself.)

This time, Peterson is in hot water because of some disgusting and hateful comments he made on Twitter, comments which went far beyond the pale even for Twitter.

In his latest installment of the Jordan Peterson Meltdown Hour, he revisits a favorite target of his hate: transgender people. The specific targets of the bigotry are the actor Elliot Page, a star of The Umbrella Academy who recently transitioned to male. It’s not clear at all what the actor Elliot Page or any other trans person has ever done to Mr. Peterson, or why he cares so much about other peoples’ orientations or personal life  choices. In fairness and sympathy, we must consider that Peterson’s words may have been driven by his mental illness and substance abuse problems, which makes it even more distressing that he has an audience of impressionable and angry young white men.

Nevertheless, Peterson has called the physician who treated Mr. Page  legally and in a medically proper manner, “a criminal physician,” which is a defamatory lie. It goes right to the heart of the doctor’s professional reputation and the allegations are completely false. That’s typical of Peterson, who simply makes things up without any scientific, historical or legal support. It’s unclear whether he is a deluded liar who believes what he is saying, or a Trump-style conman out to make a quick buck the easy way-tell lies bad  people want to hear.

Twitter has a right to avoid being a platform for defamation. In a time when LBGTQ people are being assaulted in the streets, Twitter can surely refuse to promote hatred against them. In an age when abortion providers have been targeted and killed, doctors who provide services to trans people are in the same danger thanks to fascist haters like Jordan Peterson

I’ve posted quite a bit on Jordan Peterson, and they continue to be among the most popular and widely read posts. The first was  EXPOSING JORDAN PETERSON, PSEUDO-INTELLECT SUPREME OF THE FAR RIGHT AND WHITE NATIONALISTS, and it is constantly finding new readers. This was followed with Updates: BLM Protests,Exposing Jordan Peterson, Works Of Historical FictionJORDAN PETERSON: THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING, and JORDAN PETERSON: STILL CRAZY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS  They are all on this blog; just click on the links to read them.

Much as I loathe people like Peterson and the hate they spew, I must admit he’s been good for my blog. Apparently there are a lot of people out there who feel as I do. (However you feel about Jordan Peterson or anything else, feel free to comment!)

Click here to read a Newsweek article about Peterson’s Twitter ban.

Elliot Page's new passport photo, courtesy of Elliot.
Jordan Peterson, courtesy NY Times

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