First he was treated for drug addiction in Serbia and Russia. Then he returned to Canada, and claimed that an all-meat diet cured his depression. He next popped up in Belfast, from where he fled after  becoming  a witness in the unsolved  death of a teenage boy , dead shortly after receiving a private Twitter message from Peterson. The peripatetic Mr. Peterson refuses to meet with Toronto police, as requested by the Belfast law enforcement authorities. 

After surviving ordeals that would have finished off most other self-help gurus, Jordan Peterson has returned to his roots: writing awfully-written books promoting misogyny, homophobia, bigotry, and a return to a glorious yesteryear that never actually existed.

The May 18, 2021 issue of The Nation magazine contains an article by Katha Pollitt about Mr. Peterson’s latest tome. She describes Peterson and his crackpot views better than I have, characterizing  him as: 

“…one whose work is crammed with references to Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, the Bible, ancient Mesopotamian deities, Jesus, and Jung, and which, under a lot of sexist, conservative, mythological/biblical/evolutionary/animal-behavior folderol, basically tells men to grow up and grow a pair. Work hard, be responsible, demand more of yourself, make your bed. Peterson dragged that simple message out for 370 pages of unbelievably clotted, dreary prose, proving once again that your creative-writing teachers were wrong: Nobody cares about the quality of the writing if the message is what the reader wants to hear. Apparently there are a lot of men (most of his fans are men) who want to be told exactly how to stop making such a mess of their lives (Rule 1: “Stand up straight with your shoulders back”) and also that human beings are a lot like lobsters, programmed for hierarchy and combat. You can buy “Hail Lobster” T-shirts, pillows, limited-edition neckties, and even smartphone covers on his website. Scientists have said he’s got lobsters all wrong, but whatever. I will never feel guilty about eating a lobster roll again.”

Click here to read Katha Pollitt’s review  of Jordan Peterson’s new book in May 18, 2021 issue of The Nation.

Our posts on Mr. Peterson have consistently been the most followed and most controversial blog entries. Peterson, a Canadian with no skin in the American game, is a favorite of Trumpists and other “culture-war” Republicans, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, religious extremists, and people interested in rewriting history. Unfortunately, a number of well-intended young people, lacking a broader knowledge of philosophy, psychology and history, accept Peterson’s psycho-babble as legitimate scholarship or philosophy. It is the latter group I hope to reach by presenting my own arguments against Mr. Peterson’s views, at the same time showing that there is a substantial body of respected journalists coming to these same conclusions. Minimal investigation will persuade any rational person that Peterson is a crackpot, a fraud, and a hater.

If you like Donald Trump, you probably love Jordan Peterson. If you’re a normal person, you probably feel as I do.

Check out the three previous posts on Mr. Peterson: 


Updates: BLM Protests,Exposing Jordan Peterson, Works Of Historical Fiction;   


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