Inage courtesy of The Forward



It’s bad for everybody.

All wise traditions have the same prohibitions on murder, theft, lying, adultery. (If it’s too difficult to talk about gender or sexual orientation, how the hell can the teachers explain adultery?)

Not all wise traditions hold that “Thou shall have no other Gods before me.” (This makes no sense, for example, to Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and others who aren’t from a monotheistic tradition.)

Someone who is a non-believer is under no prohibition against taking the name of someone else’s deity in vain. (Who decides when it’s “taken in vain?”)

Few religions have a Sabbath that must be honored, and those that do do not agree on what day is Sabbath.

Graven images are perfectly fine in many religions and certainly fine for nonbelievers. (Besides how do we interpret this? Some religions say this is violated by simply portraying people, others only of you portray angels or a deity.)

Nothing wrong with schools telling children not to lie, steal, cheat.

Everything is wrong about telling them to follow the dictates of only one religion in a nation of such diversity of belief.

Worry more about schools teaching math, science, history, language.

Religion is purely private matter.

That’s why the founding Fathers wanted a wall of separation between church and state.

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