Taking a morning e bike ride in Old Seminole Heights, Tampa, FL, thinking about the release of the third novel in the NJA Club series, titled Bangkok Blues. It will be released in less than two weeks. The first two novels, Bangkok Shadows and Bangkok Whispers, continue gaining readers, and Bangkok Blues will please old and new readers alike.

No spoilers, so all I can say about Bangkok Blues is  that it is written in the third person this time, so readers can see what other characters are thinking, and experience scenes where Glenn Murray Cohen, the main character and protagonist, is not present. Most of the regular cast of characters appear: Sleepy Joe, the hippie who is also a trained killer, the General, an enigmatic and powerful presence, Oliver, the man who can find out anything, and, Edward the Money Launderer who has caused Glenn many problems in the past. Of course, the talented guitarist  and thoroughly obnoxious Phil Funston  is back, with Glenn as his reluctant manager. Readers will meet several new characters, both Thai and other nationalities. As with the first two novels, Bangkok Blues is an exotic noir thriller, with the fascinating City of Bangkok as a backdrop.  

Click here to reach the Amazon page for the NJA Club series


4 Responses

  1. Nothing like a bike ride whether you need to clear your mind or fill it. And nothing like a Thai-based novel to take me away from the freezing Northeast where this no chance of an outside ride for many months to come. Congratulations on finishing the latest book and really looking forward to Bangkok Blues. Cheers!

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