Free Stories
In addition to novels and political-social commentary, I write short stories in several genres: literary, historical, suspense, humor, science fiction. Several were published in small magazines, but I find the greatest audience is to be found on my own platforms, starting right here on my blog.
The first story to be published, and the first to be posted here, was Teddy and His Mother, published in The Jewish Literary Journal. CLICK HERE TO READ TEDDY AND HIS MOTHER
I’ve written three more short stories about life in a working class Jewish neighborhood in NYC during the mid 1960’s.
The first is titled A Shot in the Ass, dealing with some colorful characters with outside egos and outspoken views. Click here to Read A Shot in the Ass (The story was published in The Magazine of Historical Fiction)
The second short story in the unofficial collection is A Well Dressed Man, a tale of betrayal and realization. It introduces characters readers will meet in subsequent stories. Read A Well-Dressed Man
The most recent story in the line is titled Bagelnose Goes to College, about a violent, jealous psychopath and pathological liar who has it for the protagonist because he is the only person who can expose Bagelnose’s biggest lie. Read BAGELNOSE GOES TO COLLEGE : A Short Story About Life In Queens
For something very different, check out The Kalamazoo Kid, a hard boiled pulp-style crime story set during Prohibition. READ THE KALAMAZOO KID. (The story was published in Crimson Streets Magazine)